It’s Alive! Creating Interactive Learning Experiences with H5P

Description Similar to traditional learning materials, much of online learning started out with static text, images and later, audio/video. However, instructional design research tells us that students learn…

Considerations for Adopting and Teaching Fully Developed Online Courses

This session was presented for the Johnson Shoyama School of Public Policy OnEd series. The session is hosted by the faculty, and I had the pleasure of presenting…

WordPress as eLearning Launchpad

In 2021 I participated in a few virtual conferences, and one of them I was super excited to have been a part of is PressEd Conference. This conference,…

So You’ve Been Handed an Online Class…Now What?

This presentation was created for the TEACH Session – Online Classes, hosted by the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Thank-you to the department for…

Living in a Post-COVID-19 World (Part 1/2) – Podcast Appearance

Since then, COVID-19 has drastically changed how we live in, work in, and enjoy the world around us. In this two-part series, we explore how COVID-19 has affected…

Society Structure Process

One part of a two-part introduction to the discipline of sociology, the study of society. It examines theories and methods for studying changes to the nature and organization…

Instructional Design of Open Textbook Practice Problems

This presentation was facilitated by BC Campus as part of their Pressbooks and H5P grants project. The session had over 90 registrants from all over Canada and the…

H5P for Beginners

This presentation introduced instructors in the School of Construction at the South Alberta Institute of Technology to H5P.

It’s Alive! Using H5P to Create Interactive Online Content

Description: Like traditional learning materials, much of online learning started out with static text, images and later, audio/video. However, instructional design research tells us that students learn through…

Social Construction of Everyday Life

One part of a two-part introduction to the discipline of sociology, the study of society. It examines how we come to understand and experience ourselves and the world…