Category: Making Sense of Open Education

Revisiting Open Education

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down to really think or write about Open Education. I’m not even sure if I’ll post this, but perhaps writing will help. There was a time when I might have been characterized as an active advocate for Open Education, particularly in higher education. I sat on committees,…

By JR September 2, 2024 Off

On Quality of OER

Introduction This is really just a post to try to get some ideas down about quality in relation to learning resources, perhaps specifically OER. This is prompted by the work of Royce Kimmons, who I don’t think I’ve mentioned on this blog before. In 2019 I saw Royce putting together an Ed Tech Books library which is…

By JR November 21, 2019 Off

Dusk Requiem for OpenEd

It’s conference season again, and this time of year always brings on a heavy stream of Tweets from the Open Education Conference. Folks at the conference Tweet out all kinds of learning nuggets and inspiring work from others in the community, and sometimes you find really good finds to inform your work even if you’re…

By JR November 1, 2019 Off

Making Sense Day 9-15

Nathan Anderson I mentioned that I an a serial MOOC dropout right? I missed a few days. Honestly, there are lots of reasons for this. One is that some of the activities maybe I didn’t feel needed reflection here, and instead I just posted a tweet. The week we looked at GLAM OER (Day 7)…

By JR June 15, 2018 Off

Making Sense Day 5

Art by Lønfeldt Today’s module was by Helen DeWaard, and if you haven’t met her yet you can connect with her on twitter, virtually connecting, and at conferences. I had the pleasure of running into Helen at Open Ed Global and was able to participate in some great sessions thanks to her while there. This…

By JR June 5, 2018 Off

Making Sense 18 Day 3

Roman Kraft “I didn’t know what I didn’t know.” What a coincidence, I had the opportunity to basically see this module presented live at OpenEd Global 2018 in Delft, the Netherlands. Martin Weller presented these topics and the citation analysis process in Learning from the past: Development of open and distance education research over time.…

By JR June 3, 2018 Off