Category: OER18

OER18 Lightning Talks

Layne Lawson This might be the first, true to form, lightning talks segment I’ve been to at a conference. I have to say that all of the presenters and the time keeper were quite respectful of one another. Other times I see this format play out at conferences there is always at least one person…

By JR April 19, 2018 Off

OER18 Breaking open

Coconut Hammer, by Eframestochter, CC0 Full title – Breaking open: conversations about ethics, epistemology, equity and power With a session title like that, and knowing Maha Bali was one of the presenters I knew we were in for a session that was going to challenge us. We were directed to their site and to consider…

By JR April 18, 2018 Off

OER18 The EdTech Wikipedia edit-a-thon

I went to check out the EdTech Wikipedia edit-a-thon session facilitated by Ewan McAndrew. Having been involved with OpenEd for a handful of years now, the topic of editing Wikipedia often comes up, but I’ve never actually tried my hand at it yet, so I thought this would be a good start. As soon as…

By JR April 18, 2018 Off

OER18 First round of sessions

I think largely the posts I make for now after the conference will be piece meal ideas that I need to come back to. This first block of sessions I thought were going to be quite divergent, but as luck would have it, they all went together really well. Virtual reality implications for open The…

By JR April 18, 2018 Off

OER18 Pre-Conference Adventures

I travelled to England a couple of days before the conference (technically leaving Canada on Sunday), what can I say, I’m a sucker for those cheaper flights. Plus, as this was my first ever OER## conference I did not want something like a flight delay to get in the way. So I arrive in London,…

By JR April 17, 2018 Off