Category: mysterybox

Thinking of Mountains and Streams

Bits and pieces of something about this have been in the back of my mind for too long, given I’m just sitting down to write about it today. In the landscape of ISD, occasionally, you’ll end up with a project that is an actual opportunity to look at skills and competency mapping. Sometimes this looks…

By JR June 30, 2024 Off

Re-reclaiming Digital Photo Albums

At some point in the latter half of 2022, I went to grab a photo from my public photo albums that I set up using Lychee. Back in May 2020, I wrote about setting up Lychee to host my photos online. It was part of a broader attempt to reclaim my digital footprint and move…

By JR January 4, 2023 Off

Command Line, Again?

Well, I’m wishing I had been the kind of person to “read head” right about now. Currently I just wrapped up my fourth course at OCADu’s Continuing Ed Program in UX and Webdesign and my most recent class looked at some topics regarding PHP and Dynamic web design. Mostly we looked at php, but the…

By JR July 12, 2020 Off

Reclaiming Online Photo Albums

So all the way back in 2018 I was looking through the applications available to me in my Reclaim Hosting cPanel. Prior to 2017 I had used Facebook to share photos with friends and family, generally and of my travels. I also had an Instagram account, but it was mostly to share pictures of stuff…

By JR May 19, 2020 Off

The Passing of a Sempai

I haven’t been able to attend any Judo classes or events since Edmonton International in March of this year. Since then the pandemic forced Judo Canada and each province to suspend activity. Being away from my Judo family has been a challenging part of self-isolation, even though I try to keep up with it a…

By JR May 8, 2020 Off

UX/UI and Considering the Future

I’ve been working my way through an online course, Intro to UX/UI for the past 6 weeks now. Most of the assignments were stages in completing a project for a mock client (creating a data usage app). The final assignment is about trends and the future of UX/UI Design. We’re to pick a topic discussed…

By JR February 17, 2020 Off

First timer year in review

I’ve never written one of these before, but I’ve started seeing a few in my RSS feed which prompted me to look back at what I’ve been up to this year (thanks Martin, Tanis, and Brian). Honestly, I kind of feel like I blinked and almost missed 2019. My partner and I kicked off the…

By JR December 22, 2019 Off

Feedback on a game design

Maha posted a bunch of links to her students’ game design projects and asked for feedback. I reviewed a couple and provided feedback on the game Under the Influence. I’m just capturing that feedback here in case the comment gets eaten. Karim and Mahmoud, thank-you for sharing this openly. I came across it from Maha’s…

By JR November 6, 2018 Off

When at OpenEd, Make GIFs

I paid a visit to House of Bols while in Amsterdam. For this part of the tour they asked that you step into a booth with a small vial of liqueur and take a sip when instructed. They were experimenting with your experience, using light and sound to attempt to influence the taste and experience…

By JR April 22, 2018 Off