Category: MOOC

Talking MOOCs in 2019?

So here’s an interesting thread that cross my Twitter feed the other day Universities that didn’t dive into the MOOC craze are screwed. They’re almost a decade behind in transitioning to large scale digital learning. MOOCs are about capacity building to meet new learning needs. — George Siemens (@gsiemens) April 7, 2019 What followed…

By JR April 9, 2019 Off

Interviewing My Domain

Alan Levine issued this call a while back, but I thought “better late than never” after reading Colin Madland’s reply today. What is your domain name and what is the story, meaning behind your choice of that as a name? I have a few domain names at this moment. For me, I bought my first…

By JR July 26, 2018 Off

Making Sense Day 9-15

Nathan Anderson I mentioned that I an a serial MOOC dropout right? I missed a few days. Honestly, there are lots of reasons for this. One is that some of the activities maybe I didn’t feel needed reflection here, and instead I just posted a tweet. The week we looked at GLAM OER (Day 7)…

By JR June 15, 2018 Off

Making Sense Day 5

Art by Lønfeldt Today’s module was by Helen DeWaard, and if you haven’t met her yet you can connect with her on twitter, virtually connecting, and at conferences. I had the pleasure of running into Helen at Open Ed Global and was able to participate in some great sessions thanks to her while there. This…

By JR June 5, 2018 Off

Making Sense 18 Day 3

Roman Kraft “I didn’t know what I didn’t know.” What a coincidence, I had the opportunity to basically see this module presented live at OpenEd Global 2018 in Delft, the Netherlands. Martin Weller presented these topics and the citation analysis process in Learning from the past: Development of open and distance education research over time.…

By JR June 3, 2018 Off