Choose Your Own Adventure Presentation – H5P Roadshow

Choose Your Own Adventure Presentation – H5P Roadshow

October 19, 2022 Off By JR

The H5P roadshow slowed down a little bit in 2022, but I recently had the opportunity to talk with instructional designers, trainers, and other learning professionals at Saskatchewan Polytechnic about H5P. Now, I could have opened up old presentations directly, but why not try something new? This time around I took some inspiration from Alan Levine and Arley Cruther, and Terry Greene (again!) to build out a branching scenario-style presentation.

This is not actually the first time I’ve done a choose your own presentation style presentation. For CAUCE 2022, I opted for a pre-recorded session where I used H5P’s interactive video to create an asynchronous branching experience. If you missed that one, you can see the write-up in my project archive, or check out the embedded presentation below.

The purpose of that presentation was for CAUCE participants to check it out whenever they had time or interest. What’s different about the SaskPolytech presentation is that it was live, so just rehatching the video wouldn’t really work. I’ve been working more and more on branching scenarios and am keen to make more, so I took a hint from those I mentioned at the top of this post and went full-on H5P branching scenario for this one.

SaskPolytech H5P Presentation title screen

Title screen for the presentation as seen from Lumi.

To begin, I did end up rehashing some of my CAUCE presentation. For the interactive video, I had branching questions built in that I already thought would work well for this new format.

A video player paused with the question "what would you like to learn about" with five options.

The branching question set in the interactive video version.

I also had handy resources I could use from previous blog posts such as Designing useful feedback in H5PWhich H5P Type is Right for You?, and The DOER Effect and H5P (all of which were used leading up to August Webinar Wrap Up – ID of Practice Problems in Pressbooks with H5P). Starting with this collection of resources and some of the branching logic of the interactive video I headed over to Twine to layout the branching pathways. I’m a big fan of Christy Tucker’s approach to branching scenario creation using Twine, and that is how I’ve been creating pathways ever since.

a lined grid with white cards. the cards are connected with curved arrows indicating pathways.

Building branching pathways using Twinery.

Within some of the cards, I dropped quotes, jot notes, links, and ideas for what to talk about in response to each question. A lot of this was done just by drawing upon previous blog posts, previously shared examples, and a couple of updates since the last time I did a presentation about H5P. From here, I moved over to the H5P branching scenario. I had considered building it in the Lumi Desktop application which has become a staple in my workflow, but I recently learned that Lumi also has an online platform now (with OER sharing enabled, which is super neat, but for another post). I registered and jumped in to begin creating the activity.

screencapture of the online lumi H5P editing interface

Lumi looks similar to the WordPress interface with a couple of key distinctions.

The actual building process I used was to lay out all of the cards for the branching scenario. So if there was already some text or other content for each decision point, I ignored that when first building the scenario. I wanted to make sure I had spots for content to go and to ensure I had the mapping all worked out. Something you may notice about Twinery vs H5P is that the former uses arrows to indicate pathways while H5P uses this little red scarlet letter on content to indicate a jump to another branch. Selecting the red icon will show you where the path jumps to, but you do not get a high-level overview of all of the connections. This is one of the benefits of working on paper or in Twinery before jumping into H5P. Finally, I had a branching scenario board that looked like this:

The H5P branching scenario editing interface.

Note how a decision card can be pushed down the line even if one of the first decisions leads to it.

The presentation was about an hour long and had attendees including instructional designers, learning technologists, program managers, and course media production technologists. I had a technical problem with my larger monitor, so I was stuck using just a laptop screen to present using Zoom. To have the audience choose a path, I recruited one of the IDs I knew to monitor the chat. I asked participants to put in the chat which path they’d like to take and asked the helper to let me know which was most common. This worked reasonably well and avoided needing to set up polling or other unnecessarily complicated options.

Following the presentation, I was a little down at first. I had prepared quite a bit of content (I had lots I thought!), but the session really focused on two of the possible areas. It only occurred to me later that this was in fact a sign of success. Many of the attendees were at least somewhat familiar with H5P, or the answer to “why make course content interactive.” So instead of boring everyone to tears, we had a chance to focus on topics that mattered to them. At least I hope that’s what actually happened.

You can check out the presentation branching scenario for yourself, and hopefully, you will find something there of interest.