Category: 9x9x25

That’s a Wrap

One final post for the 9x9x25 challenge I hadn’t anticipated. Looking back over the posts I had no idea that I would write as much as I did. Sure I could, in theory, have started blogging alone, but overall it was the group of people gathered together through eCampus Ontario (big H/T to Terry) that…

By JR January 4, 2019 Off

Our First EdTech SLAM!

It’s not quite in the same flavour as the poetry slams I’ve attended, and no chanting at those who go over time, “you bastard, you’ve ruined it for everyone, but it was well worth it.” Today I facilitated the first EdTech SLAM! for our academic technology support group, and it’s December so the group was…

By JR December 12, 2018 Off

Grading – Half Empty or Half Full?

Tis the season it seems. Grading is on the minds of students as well as instructors I work with. This is not going to be a post about the merits or grading, or going gradeless, or better workflow, etc. Instead I need to reflect on a comment an instructor recently said while we were talking…

By JR December 5, 2018 Off

Quick Reflection – Instructional Designer Soft Skills

The Instructional Design Interest Group from Ontario recently posted Instructional Designer Soft Skills. They highlight skills and approaches that are essential for success in learning development projects that go beyond knowledge of learning theory and technical skills: Start with a good rapport Make expectations clear at the start Under-promise and over-deliver Communicate early and often…

By JR November 29, 2018 Off

Wiki as a tool for exploration and thinking

[quote cite=”- Mike Caulfield” url=””]A wiki is a tool for the capture, extension, and dissemination of community knowledge.[/quote] Wiki is one of those things that has been in and out of popularity it seems since my teacher training. I can remember the first class I had where we discussed and used a wiki. Then again…

By JR November 23, 2018 Off

Quick Reflection – Test Tube Teaching

Not my 9x9x25 post this week, but I just read Test Tube Teaching by Prof Mel, and was about to comment when I thought, ‘hey, I can just blog a quick reflection and hopefully it’ll ping back’. Honestly, I’ve been frustrated with blog commenting systems for a while now. Some require login, some eat my…

By JR November 22, 2018 Off

Quick Reflection – KitchenAids, Cookies, and the LMS

Not my 9x9x25 post this week, but I just read KitchenAids, Cookies, and the LMS by Todd, and was about to comment when I thought, ‘hey, I can just blog a quick reflection and hopefully it’ll ping back’. Honestly, I’ve been frustrated with blog commenting systems for a while now. Some require login, some eat…

By JR November 22, 2018 Off

Quick Reflection – Interactive Remixing of an Open Textbook

Not my 9x9x25 post this week, but I just read Interactive Remixing of an Open Textbook by Sarah (of IDIG fame), and was about to comment when I thought, ‘hey, I can just blog a quick reflection and hopefully it’ll ping back’. Honestly, I’ve been frustrated with blog commenting systems for a while now. Some…

By JR November 21, 2018 Off

Plenty of Portfolio Pitfalls

I wasn’t sure I was even going to make an entry this week as it’s already Friday and I didn’t have a clear idea of something I wanted to write about. Well, thankfully Tom Woodward has inspired me yet again as I just read his post ePortfolios: Competing Concepts. I recommend you take a read…

By JR November 16, 2018 Off

Rubrics – Not the Cube

There have been a lot of great posts over the last few weeks in the 9x9x25 challenge about feedback. I had a couple of other ideas brewing for my post this week, but it turns out they need more time to ferment. Instead, taking inspiration from what I’ve read in this RSS group’s posts, and…

By JR November 8, 2018 Off